Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Today's View on Smoking: Rhetorical Argument and Stasis Theory

America’s view on smoking has dramatically evolved from when it first became a part of American culture. In present society smoking is portrayed as appalling and irresponsible. Unlike the public in the 1950’s and 1960’s, people are now fully aware of the harmful effects of long term smoking. In America, 66% of people smoked in the 1960’s and only 8% Americans smoke today.
There are alternatives now available to people who want to quit smoking in order to better their health. These substitutes include electronic cigarettes, vaporizing pens, nicotine patches and nicotine gum. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that in 2014 approximately 9 million adults use a electronic cigarette or a vapor product on daily basis.
There’s a campaign called “The Real Cost” that advocates for the end of smoking in America. This campaign has commercials and ads that reveal the detrimental effects of smoking, by specifically displaying the hideous costs. One commercial in particular emphasizes the staggering chemicals in cigarettes by creatively using frightening monsters to represent the chemicals.       

This commercial argues that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health, specifically based on the fact that cigarettes contain harmful chemicals that you inhale every time you smoke. The viewers of this commercial may be shocked to discover this information, but they can trust this fact because the commercial is sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The Stasis Theory can be applied to this commercial, and it gives viewers knowledge on the negative effects of long term smoking.

·         The conjecture of this commercial is that each cigarette contains approximately 7000 chemicals.

·         The cause is the numerous studies performed to access the amount of toxins that can be found inside cigarettes.

·         The effects are that it will encourage viewers who smoke to avoid the harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes by quitting.

·         The value of this commercial is that smoking is a risky habit that causes negative health effects.

·         The action is to quit smoking as soon as possible in order to reduce the consequences.

·         The jurisdiction is that smokers should decide for themselves whether they want improve their well-being by quitting or to continue to harm their health.
-Jena Baguyos


  1. Really good job of laying out the statis of "The Real Cost" commercial. The stasis theory is so pertinent to deriving the meaning or message of a text. Often people see commercials and miss the message completely because the commercials focus too much on aesthetics rather than the message.

  2. To me, the craziest part of people's smoking habit is the fact that they now have disgusting pictures on cigarette packs of what can happen to your lungs or mouth if you smoke. These pictures are literally the opposite of good marketing techniques and yet people are buying them anyway. The pictures directly use stasis #2 by provided the consequences for the action that its users are taking. People are addicted enough that they can blatantly ignore the consequences that stare them in the face when they smoke. Although this habit began in a time when people thought smoking was good for you, people nowadays are well informed and simply destroying their lungs anyway.
