Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Kairotic Moment of Smoking in the 1960s

Imagine just coming out of a boring and exhausting business meeting or class after a long day. One of the best ways that you could relax is by taking a calm, relaxing smoke break. Smoking was one of the many outlets for people during the 1960s, being one of the most forms of socialization amounts adults both young and adult. As shown in the video, doctors, one of the busiest men in the working world, even use cigarettes to relax regardless of the type of doctor. Smoking is a social pastime, something to do with your pals even anywhere and anytime. Entering into the 1960's, America had just finished in it's global engagements with World War II and entered the fearful, yet energetic Cold War which not only inspired a multitude of movements but also resulted in a desire for the American people to calm down from their everyday excitement. One other important factor that encouraged people to smoke was physician usage and recommendation. Americans supported smoking very strongly because of physicians advertising for certain brands and certifying the beneficial effects of smoking for the body and the mind. Overall, coming from an earlier time where the nation was in economic stability and warfare, the American people desired a medium for stresses release that was not only popularized throughout society but recommended and used by physicians.


  1. I think you did a good job to explain how cigarettes became so popular for such a negative habit. I think the kairos moment needs to happen. In other words, there should be some explanation of when this all climaxed and people began to realize the effects of cigarettes. In my experience that has been the best way to close the entire Kairos of one situation or experience.

  2. As a pre-med student, advertisements from this era for smoking fascinate/freak me out, for obvious health reasons. I love how you guys decided to choose the topic of media, since it has been very relevant in both today's world and in previous eras as well.
